Sunday, August 31, 2008

sneak peek for a gorgeous senior

a few weeks back, i photographed a beautiful family. you know. the ones where the kids were impossibly gorgeous! yesterday, i was able to photograph the youngest daughter's senior pictures. i can't begin to tell you what an honor it was. i mentioned before that i've known her since she was in elementary school. she was in my awana group. and i've always just adored her. she has a sweet spirit. and she's just one of those that you know is a good kid.

we dealt with the heat. we walked around downtown for awhile. and then traveled to boone hall plantation. we did some different stuff, and i promise i didn't ask her to do anything too crazy. well, except take her shoes off for almost every picture. but seriously, teenage girls out there, those sperrys are ugly!

i had three sessions this weekend. hers was the first. so, miss m, i hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

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