Tuesday, August 18, 2009

see in a new way

i have been making the effort to learn new things and techniques that can keep me improving my photography. one of my current studies has been off-camera flash. but, my friend jodi at mcp actions is having a great contest to win a lensbaby composer. lensbaby's tagline is "seeing in a new way." and that is definitely something i want to always do!

to me, seeing in a new way involves seeing beauty in everything! even something that someone else views as ugly, i want to see the beauty. it is important to me to always find something beautiful in everything and everyone i come into contact with.

here's the address to jodi's blog/contest: http://mcpactions.com/blog/2009/08/18/win-a-lensbaby/

and, here is a spot where others probably drive by and think as ugly and run-down. but to me, it is beautiful!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

there's a storm a-brewin'

last weekend, i drove down to beautiful spring island, just south of beaufort. i met with a wonderful extended family from all over--including california! anyway, i think i have never shot a session so quickly in my life. i have shot quickly, to avoid a potential storm. but this time, the storm was hanging out across the water from us. the longer i shot, the closer it got. we just barely got done before it finally got to us. and once again, i drove home in a storm (that was fun).

anyway, i wanted to share a few shots here. in some of them, you can see the dark sky in the background. it was literally lightning right across the water from us. and we ventured to take one group picture on the dock (crowded, but we managed). that was a little crazy!

cute kids! i love cute kids! the little guy told me he was not photogenic? seriously. that's crazy--he had gorgeous blue eyes and freckles! i told him i'd be editing some of him in black/white because i love freckles in black/white. but i thought i'd share a color one here.

anyhoo, without further ado...thank you, m family, for inviting me down to capture your family on your parent's anniversary.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

holiday cards and scheduling

happy august! it's almost time for back to school. i am amazed at how quickly the summer flew! craziness!

as it stands now, i have two weekends open between now and november. those weekends are august 22 and september 12. i do have a few evening sessions i can fit in on a few different weekends. and, i still have some openings during the week. but i just wanted to put that out there for anyone considering a portrait party or needing a saturday morning session.

ah. christmas is my favorite time of year! this year, my cut-off for orders will be november 18. the last date i will take sessions is friday, november 6. i have a great variety of cards this year: a little traditional, some bright & cheerful and some clean and modern. anyway, i have a lot of great cards that i know everyone will love!

here's a little sneak for ya!

great family

i had the opportunity to photograph the sweetest family last weekend. when we started, mom told me how she really hates to have her picture taken. by the time we were done, she was having such a great time. we kept going and going. we finally had to stop. and ended our session with a visit to cupcake (and seriously, that is the BEST way to end a session!).

the son is going to be a senior this year. and he is one of the smartest people i know. we did chat photography a little and it was nice to tell him some things he didn't know. of course, once he starts talking computers, he's lost me completely!

we took his senior session and turned it into a combo senior/family session. we had a lot of fun and just enjoyed walking around downtown charleston. i hope they all love what i was able to capture! (and check out the very cool way they coordinated--i love it!)