Friday, August 8, 2008

play date with the cousins

first, i am warning you all that my hair is black. i attempted to cover my grown-out highlights and get back to my natural color of dark brown. well, right now, my hair is pretty darn dark--much darker than i anticipated. i'm hoping it lightens up some, but if it doesn't...consider yourself warned. because i'll have to wait a few weeks before i re-dye it to lighten it up. but at least it matches my naturally black eyebrows! ;)

yesterday, we took lunch over to my sister-in-law's new home (which is gorgeous). my addie is three months younger than my nephew. my ian is seven months younger than my niece. so, they are somewhat close in age and love to play together. unfortunately, i don't think there will be a cousin companion for my newest niece. but i digress!

the porch on my sil's house is a popular spot. and it has the greatest lighting. i am so jealous! but it was nice to be able to chat with her while the kids played--adult conversation. make that extended adult conversation. we actually got to talk mostly uninterrupted while the kids played together. ian, of course, played mostly with the exact same trains he has here. you know, because it's way more fun at someone else's house!

so, we did snap a few pictures of the kiddos! i mean, hello! we are both photographers! you can't expect much less!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Here I thought we were going to see your new haircolor. ;)