Thursday, July 23, 2009

just recording my thoughts

i want to put this down somewhere, so i have a record of it. i don't want to forget this moment.

addie is spending the night with her aunt. thus, ian is an "only child." and he is alone in his bedroom with no addie here. we had already sung our song and he and daddy had prayed. i was getting ready to get to work on my computer. i heard a wee little voice come down the hall, "mommy." i went in to see what he needed.

"mommy, you sleep with me for now?" who could resist. i knew it wouldn't take him long to fall asleep. it never does. and so i wrapped my arms around him and snuggled. melt my heart when he wrap my arm with his left arm and grabbed my hand with his right hand. he didn't say anything. i just listened to him breathe.

why do we rush through childhood? how often have i just rushed my kids to bed because i needed to work? they are only little once. and i don't want it to end. my baby will be five in a few months. and i still think of him as three. or, i still want him to be three. i don't want him to be five. i'm not ready. all too soon, he's going to be at the age that he doesn't want mommy around all of the time.

but i don't want to forget tonight. i don't want to forget that moment, listening to him breathe.

1 comment:

leaslooks said...

I love those sweet snuggle moments. Enjoy them because they pass so fast! I'm thinking Adria would rather die than to snuggle with her Mommy ;o)