Saturday, January 5, 2008

favorite shots of 2007

i intended to do this last week, but just didn't have the time with christmas and such. i wanted to post my five favorite client images from 2007. some of them were easy picks and others were difficult. My picks were more about composition and emotion more than anything. i hope they evoke emotion in the viewer too.

In no specific order:

oh, who am i kidding? did you really think i would limit it to five total? let's just make it top ten!


Allison Slater Tate said...

I think my favorite series of yours was the high school cheerleaders. There was something very charming about that shoot -- maybe all the personalities involved, or the way the girls were so young but on the edge of Not Young. In any case, I liked it!

Melissa said...

Gorgeous, Emily! The first one took my breath away a little :wub:, and look at those adorable jie kiddos. What's not to love? :)