Monday, September 3, 2007

a little sneak peek

i seriously love my job. maybe it's because, at my very core, i'm just a big kid. i don't know. but when i have subjects who keep me on my toes and will play with me, i have the best time ever (of course, then i worry that i was too busy playing and maybe missed something with my camera). but those times, i normally get some really fun pictures.

last saturday, it rained. and rained. all. day. long. i was really sweating whether or not this session was going to happen. this family was only in town for the weekend, and the weather didn't look promising for their entire stay. i headed out to where they were staying, praying and hoping the whole time. while we ate dinner, it poured. then, it started to let up. the mom and i decided we'd go ahead, even if we had to do their portraits with umbrellas as props.

but, as i made my way to where they were, the sky cleared. that's right. it rained all day long and stopped when i was about five minutes from my destination. thank you, Lord.

anyway, we went ahead with the session. T and L were lots of fun. T and i had races, threw sand and jumped in the water. L was covered in sand and generally tried mostly to avoid my camera. mom wanted a shot of them together. and i got some. but i'll keep her in suspense with those. because i want to make sure they are perfect before she sees them. so, i'll share a silly one instead:

and really, what is a post from me without some close-ups. mom knows how much i love taking close-ups. so, i went for some extreme close-ups with this session. and seriously, with such gorgeous boys, can you really blame me?

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