Monday, March 30, 2009

a very blustery day

i have to laugh a little about this one. it seems that i have a few clients who always bring with them some kind of weather issue. one client always ALWAYS has to be rescheduled due to rain or cold. i think, the past spring, was the first time i didn't have to reschedule them in the almost two years i've been working with them. but my family yesterday always brings the wind. and i don't mean a little breeze. i mean W.I.N.D. but other than the wind, the weather was gorgeous!

the location to start was white point gardens. but i took only one pose there because the wind was so strong. we picked most of our locations walking down church street. the focus was on miss c, whose bat mitzvah is coming up soon. she worked the camera for sure, and even gave me a heidi klum pose or two!

this family is a lot of fun! what a great way to spend a sunday afternoon!

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