Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ah, this look is so familiar to me

if you have experienced a two-year old, that look is probably pretty familiar. i know that i see it often from my now three-year-old. this little one is only 20 months, but that's not too early to start.

now, here is where i get serious. i remember when this mom was pregnant with this sweetheart. and i am one who gets emotionally invested in my clients. i fall in love with the children. i love nothing more than learning their quirks and personalities and bringing that out in photographs. this little girl is incredibly special to me. over the years, her mom has become a wonderful friend. she is someone with whom i can be totally open and honest. and i'm so grateful that i've been allowed to follow her daughter through her life thus far, and record memories for her parents. it is an honor.

busy busy busy

the holiday season bring a bit of chaos to my life. of course, it isn't like i need any help in the chaos department--i do a pretty good job most of the year! but things have been busy, which is never a bad thing.

i had the opportunity to photograph four lovely families on saturday. and i started it out by carrying an antique chair about a half-mile, which apparently bothered some men waiting on their buddies to start a game of frisbee golf. side note--did you know that there is actually a frisbee golf STROLLER? oh. i'm sure that it has some fancy name, but that's sure what it looked like to me. anyway, said men were waiting on their other frisbee golf players and yelling at me to hurry up in carrying the chair across the field. well, geniuses, i would've used the path, but your other buddy had his big dog running loose over there and i couldn't run with the chair if the dog decided it would be fun to chase me. so there. and another thing, if you need me to hurry (and this chair is not the easiest to carry), you could always be gentlemen and offer to help. alas, i digress yet again. i did eventually get the chair to my location. but my arms were sore for several days.

anyway, i have finished editing the first two sessions and i thought i'd share a few here. i love it when my clients get "it." and these two families get it.
i think we all know where this first one is going to end up (can you say "silly ones" gallery?).

Sunday, November 11, 2007

m, did you say close-up?

i think it is no secret that i am a huge fan of close-ups. i love them. it's all about the face, and most importantly, the eyes. and nothing captures that like a crisp close-up.

so, i was more than happy to grant mom's request for some close-ups of her kids! this family is super sweet. i love these kids. when i first photographed them a year ago, mr. p wouldn't even look at me. now, he runs to give me hugs when he sees me. it totally melts my heart. and their mom is a total doll!

anyway, m, i do have closer of mr. h, but didn't get it edited yet! but trust me, there is closer!

and not a super close-up, but one of my faves that i wanted to share. i call miss m america's next top model!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

two posts in one night

t, i can't wait until you see this picture big. then you will see that her eyes do have gold flecks in them.

and something about this one, i love.

just some recents

i had the opportunity the weekend before last to photograph two wonderful, beautiful families.

m family, you are very much missed. i hope you are getting settled into your new home.

w family, it was great to see you again. and to meet your newest girl, miss a, who i'm so in love with, it just isn't funny.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

did ya see?

my new website is live! woo hoo! i hope you enjoy!

and special thanks to elizabeth mitchell for the use of her wonderful music. if you haven't checked her out, do! she is a wonderful artist. my entire family enjoys her cds a lot!