Monday, October 26, 2009

i'm nothing...

...if not perpetually behind! i will get caught up. it's been a busy holiday season and i am most definitely NOT complaining. i am extremely grateful for my wonderful clients. it is such a blessing to watch these children grow up. i cannot believe how fortunate i am to be able to do something that i love. i feel truly and completely blessed.

a few weeks back, i had another portrait party at a home in west ashley. a gorgeous home with an amazing dock on the water. sigh. i love my life. i am very grateful to the one who opened her home to us. and also to my faithful hostess, who i can definitely say has been a key figure in the growth of my business.

anyway, if the week prior had been HOT, then this week was chilly. this week, the children were shivering (instead of sweating). but we made it through and had a blast. and most of them had more fun AFTER their session, running around the yard playing. what can i say?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

first holiday portrait party of the season

i love doing portrait parties. yes, it's a lot of work. but it also means i get to meet some new clients and make new friends. this first one was a blast, but HOT. it was hard to think we were taking pictures to go on Christmas cards when it was in the 90s. craziness!

i got to see two "old" friends and then meet some new ones. i love watching these littles grow up. it's one of the highlights of my job! and to meet new friends who i hope to follow through their childhood as well--it doesn't get any better than that!

anyhoo, a huge thanks to miss s for scheduling the sessions! you know i love little e--she is a girl after my own heart! and i sure do love them spunky!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

preschool portraits

every fall/spring, when i do the portraits for a local preschool, i am struck by how blessed i am to have met the owner. not only does she "get" me, she lets me do my thing. she lets me skip the backdrop and lights and shoot things my way. and she has become a friend too, which is the best part of all.

for fall pictures, i took my antique desk along. i let the children draw in my book--how fun will it be to have a book full of drawings by the kids who've sat at that desk!

anyway, thank you to the coolest preschool in town!

another cool senior

i have been fortunate to have some great senior guys this year! it has been a blast! we actually taught this young man when he was in fourth grade (sunday school). what a nice young man he has become. his parents should be really proud!

we did a two different sessions. one was downtown, walking the streets. the second was at a community recreation center for some basketball shots!

he said i'm funny, until i tease him. then, i'm not so fun (or funny). sorry, z, it makes you smile when i tease.